Wednesday, July 19, 2006

"Mission accomplished - Alex Bain first autistic to run PEI tip to tip"

PEI Eastern Graphic, Wednesday July 19th, 2006


At 7:37 PM, Blogger kristina said...

Way to go!

I'm a runner and hope that Charlie will someday be my running mate.

At 7:46 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I love that photo. You guys did some fantastic PR for autism. Now if that positivity could just roll across Canada and down to the states.... and keep going...

At 7:47 PM, Blogger Bob King said...

As much as I support autism awareness, I am at the same time annoyed in a way. It's not like autism and running have a heck of a lot to do with each other - our son - aspy as all hell and ordinarialy as clumsy as a puppy on a freshly waxed floor - was quite a good runner until he moved on to other athletic obsessions.

I myself wonder if it would be more appropriate to lable myself as "autistic" than "aspie" - and yet I managed to become a decently accomplished martial artist, a decent public speaker and an actor.

While I understand that this is intended to communicate to those who would otherwise have to rely on Lennie Shaefer who would like the world to think we are all drooling, incontinant, uncommunicative basket cases, I still find it somewhat disturbing.

Especiallay as our friends at ARE self-described incontinant basket cases and STILL manage to do remarkable things.

I'm pretty much convinced that young master Schaefer has learned there is really quite little point in communicating with Lennie. Certainly MY exchanges with the man have been quite fruitless.

I am apparently a fraud, because I can, you know... type.

I think I'm quite fortunate to have never been formally diagnosed with autism or aspergers. But nobody who has met me has ever doubted the most accurate and approriate diagnosis...

"As eccentric as a flying hammer."

At 10:01 PM, Blogger ebohlman said...

Seems to me that if someone supports a cause C and has a talent T, it makes sense for him/her to make use of T in support of C, regardless of whether or not there's any association between T and C. We've got runs for breast cancer, runs for AIDS, runs for just about everything (not attempting to compare autism to cancer or AIDS, just pointing out that there are a whole lot of Runs For Causes; if I were a runner, I'd participate in a Run For Peace In The Middle East, even though none of my ancestors have lived in that part of the world for at least 1000 years (OK, some recent studies have shown that it's entirely possible that everyone who lived 1500 years ago is either a) an ancestor of everyone who's alive today or b) someone whose family line died out)).

At 2:27 AM, Blogger jypsy said...

To date we know (and no one else knows) of *anyone* who has run PEI tip to tip (including the 4 newspapers & CBC radio & TV). It was Alex's wish "to be the first autistic to run PEI tip to tip" and he fulfilled it.

Alex has a head full of stats and world records..... he wanted to be "the first......" and this is one he came up with.

Autism & running may not have much to do with eachother but they both have everything to do with Alex.

At 9:04 PM, Blogger n. said...

Good for you Alex, that you could do your dream!
And we may be curiously expecting the (both of yours) next dream...

[I still have nostalgia for Oops Wrong Planet, my first favorite autism site a decade ago]

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Alex and jypsy,
I had a dream about you two last night - a confused one about missing credit cards, but it had the pair of you happily at the end of a long journey. Congratulations to you both!

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Larry Arnold PhD FRSA said...

Maybe I should become the first autistic to run the length of my Land Rover and being as I only have 16 feet to achieve that in, is it possible? I mean at what point in a race is one declared to be running, how many steps in, what acceleration, eek it is as boggling a problem as Achilles and the Tortoise.


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